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Positive Reinforcement Rewards Program

Navigator Risk Management offers a Positive Reinforcement Rewards Program designed to enhance employee motivation, retention, and overall job satisfaction. The program focuses on driving positive employee behaviors that align with organizational goals by implementing customized incentive models. Employees earn points for specific actions, such as safe work practices, attendance, and participation in wellness activities, which can then be redeemed for rewards like gift cards. This approach not only incentivizes desirable behaviors but also contributes to a safer workplace environment and reduces employee burnout.

Retain Top Talent and Avoid Burn Out

  • Customize rewards to drive desired focus and behavior
  • Show employees what their work means to you
  • Program has been known to have an average reduction in missed shift or visits
  • Motivate employees through targeted behavior incentives
  • Turn employee insights into actionable items

Our employee rewards program is designed to retain top talent and foster a motivated workforce. We customize a point-based system specifically for the needs of your organization. This system recognizes and rewards positive behaviors that contribute to workplace safety and help avoid burnout.

Contact Your Risk Specialist for More Information