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Manager’s Compass

Welcome to Navigator Risk Management’s Manager’s Compass program – your ultimate solution for comprehensive risk management and insurance optimization tailored specifically for property management companies and real estate owners.

Once we have the renewal dates for all the properties, we work closely with your property manager and insurance team to check the coverage. Using our coverage report card, we look for any problems that might cause concern.

commercial building

Simplifying Complexity for Property Managers

Property management companies often juggle multiple buildings, each with unique policies and coverage requirements. It’s not uncommon for a single building to have multiple insurance brokers working on various policies, leading to inefficiencies and potential coverage gaps. At Navigator Risk Management, we understand these challenges and have designed the Manager’s Compass program to simplify and streamline your insurance and risk management processes.

Our Approach: The Manager’s Compass Program

Our Manager’s Compass program offers a structured, phased approach to ensure your properties are protected, and your risk management strategies are optimized:

PHASE 1: Assessing Your Needs

We begin by thoroughly reviewing the challenges you face in the real estate sector, analyzing the intricacies of your property portfolio, and understanding your risk exposure comprehensively. Our goal is to identify any gaps or overlaps in your current insurance coverage.

PHASE 2: Crafting Your Tailored Manager’s Compass Playbook

Utilizing the insights gleaned from our assessment, we develop a customized playbook that precisely aligns solutions to your identified challenges. This playbook serves as your roadmap, guiding you towards effective risk management and insurance optimization strategies.

PHASE 3: Action Plan Review and Deliverables Timeline

We collaborate closely with you to review the actionable items outlined in your playbook, ensuring clarity on timelines and expectations. This phase ensures transparency and alignment before proceeding further.

PHASE 4: Empowering Your Teams

We conduct comprehensive training sessions for your office and field teams, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to execute your program seamlessly with the Navigator Risk Management Team. By empowering your team, we ensure alignment with your goals and effective implementation of risk management strategies.


Key Services Offered:

  • Insurance Brokerage: We streamline your insurance processes by consolidating and coordinating with multiple brokers, ensuring your policies are comprehensive and cost-effective.
  • Claims Management: Our 24/7 claims management support ensures that any incidents are promptly addressed and resolved, minimizing downtime and financial impact.
  • Emergency Preparedness: We develop robust emergency preparedness plans to safeguard your properties and tenants, ensuring continuity in the face of unforeseen events.
  • Legal Matters: Our team provides expert advice and support on legal issues related to property management, helping you navigate complex regulatory landscapes.
  • Coverage Report Card: We provide a detailed report card for each property, highlighting any issues or concerns with your current insurance coverage. This proactive approach allows us to address potential problems before they become costly claims.

Benefits of the Manager’s Compass Program:

  • Simplified Insurance Management: Reduce the complexity of managing multiple policies and brokers with our streamlined approach.
  • Enhanced Coverage: Ensure each building has the best possible coverage, tailored to its specific needs and risks.
  • Cost Savings: Optimize your insurance expenses through proactive risk management and competitive rates.
  • Operational Continuity: Maintain smooth operations with comprehensive risk mitigation and emergency preparedness plans.
  • Expert Support: Gain access to a team of seasoned professionals dedicated to protecting your assets and ensuring your success.

Join the Manager’s Compass Program Today

Navigator Risk Management’s Manager’s Compass program offers advanced solutions for managing risk services. With extensive expertise across all sectors, we safeguard your clients’ assets and ensure the continuity of your deliverables. Our comprehensive support protects your interests, allowing you to operate confidently and safely.

Contact us today to learn how the Manager’s Compass program can transform your property management strategy and enhance your risk management practices.

Contact Your Risk Specialist for More Information