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Bitcoin Compass

In the fast-paced cryptocurrency market, having a risk management team that understands the nuances of Bitcoin Mining are important. At Navigator Risk Management we understand Bitcoin mining risk from the miner’s perspective, not just the insurance standpoint. Our team has extensive experience with mining-related coverage, claims, and overall risk both on and off the grid, which is invaluable for navigating complex situations.

We build custom risk management solutions for larger industrial miners and hosting facilities, helping miners of all sizes create favorable risk profiles. Our personal relationships with providers offer our clients a unique edge. We produce written safety manuals that can yield a 5-10% premium discount and offer D&O protection for capital-raising efforts. Additionally, we provide quarterly adjustments for asset values, business interruption coverage, and protection against electrical and power supply disturbances. Implementing Watcher links on insured machines can further reduce premiums.


Key Areas of Risk Management

  • Cyber Security – Bitcoin mining operations are often targets for cyber attacks. A risk manager can establish robust cybersecurity measures to protect against hacking, malware, and other cyber threats.
  • Mine Location Survey – Navigator Risk Management wants to ensure that your Bitcoin Mine is best suited for your business. We offer building surveys and hardware surveys to ensure that you’ve got the best coverage for your business.
  • Written Safety Manuals – With the extensive knowledge that Navigator Risk Management has on Bitcoin mine safety, we can help provide safety manuals to carriers to ensure a reduction in insurance premiums. In addition to safety manuals, we have the ability to monitor your mining machines for overclocking.

We Are Here to Help

The best way to stay ahead of insurance carriers and brokers trying to increase their profits on insurance claims is to partner with Navigator Risk Management for insurance claims management services. We can work with you to find the best insurance partner for your business and monitor your current claims to ensure carriers and brokers are working for you, not against you. Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more about this helpful service.

Contact Your Risk Specialist for More Information