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Healthcare & Human Services

At Navigator Risk Management, we understand the unique challenges faced by organizations in the healthcare and human services sectors. Our dedicated Healthcare Practice Division provides comprehensive risk management solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of hospitals, doctors, surgery centers, senior care/assisted living facilities, residential treatment facilities, urgent care centers, managed care, and home healthcare organizations.

Our approach ensures that your organization is well-prepared to handle risks effectively. We begin by thoroughly reviewing your specific challenges and then developing a custom Compass Playbook to align our solutions with your needs.

Our services include EMR promulgation and repair, mobile app incident reporting, claims management and adjuster services, on-site first-aid EMT response teams, and comprehensive HR support. Our 24/7/365 Claims Concierge Team and Patient Intake & Hazard Assessment Programs are designed to provide continuous support and ensure your organization’s safety and compliance.

HR Support

Utilizing Navigator Risk’s HR Support can significantly reduce your costs by ensuring that your organization adheres to best practices in employee management and safety protocols. Our HR Support services include pre and post-employment screening, exposure assessments, and comprehensive training programs for office and field teams. By maintaining a safer, well-trained workforce, you can minimize workplace incidents and claims, leading to lower insurance premiums and deductibles.

Claims Concierge

Navigator Risk Management offers specialized claims management services tailored to the healthcare sector, ensuring your organization handles risks with utmost efficiency. Our comprehensive approach includes mobile app incident reporting, claims management, and adjuster services, and claims surveillance. We also provide an on-site first-aid EMT response team and 24/7/365 Claims Concierge Team to address incidents promptly and effectively. By leveraging our extensive expertise and continuous support, healthcare organizations can reduce claim costs, minimize downtime, and maintain compliance, ultimately leading to significant insurance premium savings and enhanced operational stability.

Our healthcare risk management practice addresses risk challenges by focusing on technical issues, administrative concerns, risk management, and risk financing perspectives. We ensure your organization is equipped to handle any risk with confidence and precision.

Contact Your Risk Specialist for More Information